
  • Patricia Rodrigues Quesado IPCA
  • Beatriz Aibar Guzmán USC
  • Lúcia Maria Portela de Lima Rodrigues Professora na Universidade do Minho, Portugal



Balanced Scorecard, Critical Aspects, Management Accounting and Control, Bibliographic Analysis.


article aims to identify and analyze a set of critical issues arising from the implementation of the (Balanced Scorecard) BSC. The results obtained indicate that the most frequent obstacles in the BSC introduction and development are related to problems of acceptance and communication, the appropriate definition of measures of the scorecard and their measurement in practice, and problems related to the information technology systems. It questions the logic and rationality of the model, namely the validity of cause and effect relationships, the dependence on performance controls, and the failure to include certain external contextual factors. The study presents a contribution to the current state of knowledge, since the identification of the problems related to the BSC introduction and implementation can facilitate its adoption and development in the organizations that intend to implement this tool.

Author Biography

  • Lúcia Maria Portela de Lima Rodrigues, Professora na Universidade do Minho, Portugal
    Doutorada em Contabilidade


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