
  • Dyogo Neis Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Mauricio Fernandes Pereira Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Epistemological Assumptions, Organizational Strategy, Strategic Planning, Evolution.


This issue has as aim to analyze the epistemological basis of the evolution of the Strategic Planning Process. The research is characterized as bibliographic and qualitative, in which was used the secondary sources survey. The analysis consisted on the identification of evidences that allow identify what epistemological chains, namely: empiricism, rationalism, criticism, positivism, functionalism, systemism, dialectic and complexity, that base the work by the precursor of the Strategic Planning, Igor Ansoff, and his main critic, Henry Mintzberg. The conclusion points that these authors used predominantly divergent epistemological assumptions and these antagonisms were fundamental to the current construct of organizational strategy. 


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