
  • Sabrina do Nascimento Universidade do Vale do Itajaí
  • Daniel Penz Universidade do Vale do Itajaí
  • Bianca Costa Amorim Universidade do Vale do Itajaí
  • Gisele Mazon Universidade do Vale do Itajaí
  • Carlos Ricardo Rossetto Universidade do Vale do Itajaí



Institutional Theory, Strategy, Research on Management.


This article aims to analyze the scientific production about Institutional Theory indexed in Scopus database addressed to the Management area from 2000 to 2013. It was evidenced: the most prolific author on Institutional theory is Currie, G.; the universities with higher number of publications were University of Alberta and University of Nottingham. Within the national scenery, two journals appeared, RAE – Revista de Administração de Empresas and Revista de Administração pública; in the international scenery, the journals which present higher detachment are Human Relations, Journal of Business Ethics, Business Strategy and the Environment, and Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Knowledge area which approaches the Institutional Theory is predominantly in Social Sciences, and corresponds to 40.4% of total.


AERTS, W.; CORMIER, D.; MAGNAN, M.Intra-industry imitation in corporate environmental reporting: An international perspective. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. V. 25, n.3, p. 299-331, 2006.

ÄHLSTRÖM, J.Corporate response to CSO criticism: Decoupling the corporate responsibility discourse from business practice. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. V. 17, n. 2, p. 70-80, 2010.

AMRAN, A.; HANIFFA, R.Evidence in development of sustainability reporting: A case of a developing country. Business Strategy and the Environment.V.20, n. 3, p. 141-156, 2011.

BAEK, K.; KELLY, E.L.; JANG, Y.S.Work-family policies in Korean organizations: Human resources management and institutional explanations. Asian Business and Management. V. 11, n.5, p. 515-539, 2012.

BALL, A.; CRAIG, R.Using neo-institutionalism to advance social and environmental accounting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. V. 21, n. 4,p. 283-293, 2010.

BARBIERI, J.C.; VASCONCELOS, I.F.G.; ANDREASSI, T.; VASCONCELOS, F.C.Inovação e sustentabilidade: Novos modelos e pro posições | [Innovationandsustainability: New modelsandpropositions]. RAE Revista de Administração de Empresas. V. 50, n. 2, p.146-154, 2010.

BAUGHN, C.; BODIE, N.L.; BUCHANAN, M.A.; BIXBY, M.B.Bribery in international business transactions. Journal of Business Ethics. V. 92, n.1, p. 15-32, 2010.

BOUSSEBAA, M.Struggling to organize across national borders: The case of global resource management in professional service firms. Human Relations. V. 62,n. 6, p. 829-850, 2009.

BRYSON, J.R.; LOMBARDI, R.Balancing product and process sustainability against business profitability: Sustainability as a competitive strategy in the property development process. Business Strategy and the Environment.V.18, n. 2, p. 97-107, 2009.

CERVO, A. L. & BERVIAN, P. A. Metodologia Científica. 5. ed. São Paulo: Prentice Hall, 2002.

CHANG, Y.K.; OH, W.-Y.; JUNG, J.C.; LEE, J.-Y.Firm size and corporate social performance: The mediating role of outside director representation. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. V. 19, n. 4, p. 486-500, 2012.

CHEN, J.C.; ROBERTS, R.W.Toward a More Coherent Understanding of the Organization-Society Relationship: A Theoretical Consideration for Social and Environmental Accounting Research. Journal of Business Ethics. V. 97, n. 4, p. 651-665, 2010.

CHIH, H.-L.; CHIH, H.-H.; CHEN, T.-Y.On the determinants of corporate social responsibility: International evidence on the financial industry. Journal of Business Ethics. V. 93, n. 1, p. 115-135, 2010.

CHUA, F.; RAHMAN, A.Institutional Pressures and Ethical Reckoning by Business Corporations. Journal of Business Ethics. V. 98, n. 2, p. 307-329, 2011.

COLLIN, S.-O.Y.; TAGESSON, T.; ANDERSSON, A.; CATO, J.; HANSSON, K.Explaining the choice of accounting standards in municipal corporations: Positive accounting theory and institutional theory as competitive or concurrent theories. Critical.Perspectives on Accounting. V. 20, n. 2, p. 141-174, 2009.

COLWELL, S.R.; JOSHI, A.W.Corporate Ecological Responsiveness: Antecedent Effects of Institutional Pressure and Top Management Commitment and Their Impact on Organizational Performance. Business Strategy and the Environment. V. 22, n. 2, p. 73-91, 2013.

CURRIE, G.; FINN, R.; MARTIN, G.Accounting for the 'dark side' of new organizational forms: The case of healthcare professionals. Human Relations. V. 61, n. 4, p. 539-564, 2008.

CURRIE, G.; LOCKETT, A.A critique of transformational leadership: Moral, professional and contingent dimensions of leadership within public services organizations. Human Relations. V. 60, n. 2, p. 341-370, 2007.

CURRIE, G.; LOCKETT, A.; SUHOMLINOVA, O.The institutionalization of distributed leadership: A 'catch-22' in English public services. Human Relations, V. 62, n. 11, p. 1735-1761, 2009.

DARNALL, N.Why firms mandate ISO 14001 certification. Business and Society. V 45, n. 3, p. 354-381, 2006.

DAVIS, A.E.; KALLEBERG, A.L.Family-friendly organizations?: Work and family programs in the 1990s. Work and Occupations. V. 33, n.2, p. 191-223, 2006.

DELBRIDGE, R.; EDWARDS, T.Challenging conventions: Roles and processes during non-isomorphic institutional change. HumanRelations. V. 61, n. 3, p. 299-325, 2008.

DE LAIA, M.M.; DA CUNHA, M.A.V.C.; NOGUEIRA, A.R.R.; MAZZON, J.A.Electronic government policies in Brazil: Context, ICT management and outcomes. RAE Revista de Administração de Empresas. V. 51, n. 1, p. 43-57, 2011.

EAPEN, A.; KRISHNAN, R.Conform or rebel: When does keeping to the rules enhance firm performance?Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. V. 26, n. 2, p. 95-108, 2009.

EGELS-ZANDÉN, N.; KALLIFATIDES, M.The UN global compact and the enlightenment tradition: A rural electrification project under the Aegis of the UN global compact. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. V. 16, n. 5, p. 264-277, 2009.

ENGLUND, H.; GERDIN, J.Structuration theory and mediating concepts: Pitfalls and implications for management accounting research. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. V. 19, n. 8, p. 1122-1134, 2008.

ESCOBAR, L.F.; VREDENBURG, H.Multinational Oil Companies and the Adoption of Sustainable Development: A Resource-Based and Institutional Theory Interpretation of Adoption Heterogeneity. Journal of Business Ethics. V. 98, n. 1, p. 39-65, 2011.

FERNANDEZ-ALLES, M.; CUEVAS-RODRÍGUEZ, G.;VALLE-CABRERA, R.How symbolic remuneration contributes to the legitimacy of the company: An institutional explanation. Human Relations.V. 59, n. 7, p. 961-992, 2006.

GALBREATH, J.Corporate governance practices that address climate change: An exploratory study. Business Strategy and the Environment. V 19, n. 5, p. 335-350, 2010.

GOMES, J.P.P.; VIEIRA, M.M.F.O campo da energia elétrica no Brasil de 1880 a 2002 | [The electricity sector in Brazilfrom 1880 through 2002]. Revista de Administração Pública. V. 43, n. 2, p. 295-321. 2009.

GREEN, S.E.; BABB, M.; ALPASLAN, C.M.Institutional field dynamics and the competition between institutional logics: The role of rhetoric in the evolving control of the modern corporation. Management Communication Quarterly. V. 22, n. 1, p. 40-73, 2008.

GOODNIGHT, G.T.Strategic maneuvering in direct to consumer drug advertising: A study in argumentation theory and new institutional theory. Argumentation. V. 22, n. 3, p. 359-371, 2008.

HAYES, N.Institutionalizing change in a high-technology optronics company: The role of information and communication technologies. Human Relations. V. 61, n. 2, p. 243-269, 2008.

HEMPEL, P.S.; MARTINSONS, M.G.Developing international organizational change theory using cases from China. Human Relations. V. 62, n. 4, p. 459-499, 2009.

HU, S.; CHEN, S.The Co-Evolution between Remittance Business for Overseas Chinese and Institutions: The Case of Chaoshan Region during 1860-1949. Frontiers of Business Research in China, v. 7, n. 1, p. 138-164, 2013.

ISLAM, M.A.; MCPHAIL, K.Regulating for corporate human rights abuses: The emergence of corporate reporting on the ILO's human rights standards within the global garment manufacturing and retail industry. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. V. 22, n. 8, p. 790-810, 2011.

JAMALI, D.MNCs and international accountability standards through an institutional lens: Evidence of symbolic conformity or decoupling. Journal of Business Ethics. V. 95, n. 4, p. 617-640, 2010.

JAMALI, D.; NEVILLE, B.Convergence Versus Divergence of CSR in Developing Countries: An Embedded Multi-Layered Institutional Lens. Journal of Business Ethics. V. 102, n. 4, p. 599-621, 2011.

JENSEN, J.C.; BERG, N.Determinants of Traditional Sustainability Reporting Versus Integrated Reporting. An Institutionalist Approach.Business Strategy and the Environment. V. 21, n. 5, p. 299-316, 2012.

KLEYMANN, B.The dynamics of multilateral allying: A process perspective on airline alliances. Journal of Air Transport Management.V 11, n 3, 135-147, 2005.DELMESTRI, G.Streams of inconsistent institutional influences: Middle managers as carriers of multiple identities. Human Relations, V. 59, n. 11, p. 1515-1541, 2006.

KUOPPAKANGAS, P.Adopting the Municipal Enterprise Form in Finland: Core Dilemmas in the Transformation of Public Healthcare Organizations. Public Organization Review. V. 13, n. 2, p. 155-165, 2013.

LACOMBE, B.M.B.; CHU, R.A.Políticas e práticas de gestão de pessoas: As abordagens estratégica e institucional | [Policies andpracticesofhumanresource management: Strategicandinstitutional approaches]. RAE Revista de Administração de Empresas. V. 48, n. 1, p. 25-35, 2008.

LAMMERS, J.C.How institutions communicate: Institutional messages, institutional logics, and organizational communication. Management Communication Quarterly. V. 25, n. 1, p. 154-182, 2011.

LAMMERS, J.C.; GARCIA, M.A.Exploring the Concept of "profession" for organizational communication research: Institutional influences in a veterinary organization. Management Communication Quarterly. V. 22, n. 3, p. 357-384, 2009.

LEE, M.-D.P.Configuration of External Influences: The Combined Effects of Institutions and Stakeholders on Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies. Journal of Business Ethics. V. 102, n. 2, p. 281-298, 2011.

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LIPPMANN, S.Rethinking risk in the new economy: Age and cohort effects on unemployment and re-employment. HumanRelations, v. 61, n. 9, p. 1259-1292, 2008.

MACHADO-DA-SILVA, C.L.; VIZEU, F.Análise institucional de práticas formais de estratégia [Institutionalanalysisofstrategy formal practices]. RAE Revista de Administração de Empresas, v. 47, n. 4, p. 89-100, 2007.

MACIEL, C.O.; MACHADO-DA-SILVA, C.L.Práticas estratégicas em uma rede de congregações religiosas: Valores e instituições, interdependência e reciprocidade | [Strategicpractices in a network ofreligiouscongregations: Valuesandinstitutions, interdependenceandreciprocity]. Revista de Administração Pública, v. 43, n. 6, p. 1251-1278, 2009.

MARCUS, A.A.; ANDERSON, M.H.Commitment to an Emerging Organizational Field: An Enactment Theory. Business and Society, v. 52,n. 2, p. 181-212, 2013.

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MUNIR, K.A.Being different: How normative and cognitive aspects of institutional environments influence technology transfer. Human Relations, v. 55, n. 12, p.1403-1428. 2002.

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PEDERSEN, R.A.; SEHESTED, K.; SORENSEN, E.Emerging theoretical understanding of pluricentric coordination in public governance. American Review of Public Administration. v. 41,n. 4, p.375-394, 2011.

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RAHAMAN, A.S.; LAWRENCE, S.; ROPER, J.Social and environmental reporting at the VRA: Institutionalised legitimacy or legitimation crisis? Critical Perspectives on Accounting, v. 15, n. 1, p. 35-56, 2004.

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