Mobile technology use and the entrepreneurial orientation: study in a capitalization company


  • Aline Carrion Mendieta
  • Cristina Dai Prá Martens
  • Fabio de Oliveira Bento
  • Fabrício Martins Lacerda



Innovation, Mobile Information Technology, Business Mobility, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Entrepreneurial Orientation Dimensions.


Mobile Information Technologies (MIT) use has contributed to organizations innovate their practices. These technologies have, in a way, being a mediator for organizational entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial orientation portrays the entrepreneurship at the organizational level, and allows encountering new business opportunities. It is characterizes by innovativeness, risk taking, proactivity, autonomy and competitive aggressiveness dimensions, and may influences from many environmental factors, including technological ones. In this context, the objective in this study is verify how the MIT use presents effects on Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) dimensions within an organization. The research was developed through case study of exploratory nature in a company from the capitalization segment. For data analysis, the technique of content analysis and the general strategy of case description was adopted. The results show that effects of smartphone use in innovativeness, proactivity, autonomy and aggressiveness of OE dimensions are positive, whereas in risk-taking dimension, the smartphone use has helped in prevention. It is possible argue that MIT uses contribute partially to the company's OE studied, as well as its use is a facilitator for people’s commitment with innovation activities. The study contributes for bringing together both themes, and may support future researches.





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