State and planning: ‘PLAMEG i’ and ‘PLAMEG ii’ as instruments to improve the development in state of Santa Catarina (Brazil) during the years 1961 and 1970


  • Caio Lauth Gualberto Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Silvio Antonio Ferraz Cario Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Taisa Dias Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



PLAMEG. Planning. State.


This paper describe the result of a descriptive and exploratory study that refers to an predominantly qualitative research about the experiences of economic planning carried out by the government of Santa Catarina (Brazil) during the period between 1961 and 1970 and which became known as PLAMEG I and PLAMEG II.  In order to overcome the limits to the expansion of the productive sector, the government has invested in education, transportation, energy and agriculture credit system. The results were more classrooms, gymnasiums, qualification of teachers, more highways, expanding the supply of energy and also integration of rural producers.  After this time, the State of Santa Catarina can count on better structure to participate in the movement of national economic growth. The search results show that the goals planned by the people who understand that the government is an agent that must ensure the creation of favorable conditions for the expansion of productive activities as a way to improve the development.





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