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Author Guidelines

Text submission to Revista Eletrônica de Estratégia e Negócios can be done all year round, i.e., there are no established deadlines for text submittals.


The texts submitted to the appreciation of Revista Eletrônica de Estratégia e Negócios:
• must be original and unpublished. However, articles previously presented in scientific congresses and academic annals are also accepted;
• present the results of empirical researches and theoretical development  that contribute to the development of  the Businness area with innovative and  stimulating perspectives;
• must be presented in English or Portuguese;
• May not be currently undergoing evaluation by another publisher;

All articles should be elaborated observing the following characteristics:
• the order of the presentation should follow NBR 6022 of 1994 (title, author, abstract, keywords, text, references, attachments, translation of abstract).
• formatting:
o A-4 sheets (210.0 x 297.0 mm)
o text editor: Word for Windows 6.0 or a more recent version;
o left and upper margins = 3 cm; lower and right margins = 2 cm;
o font: Times New Roman, size 12;  
o paragraph: before spacing: 0; after spacing: 12 points; between lines: 1,5; left alignment;
o total size of article: 26 pages including text, illustrations and references.
• Title of article in Portuguese and English, maximum 10 words, centered, capitalized and in bold;
• Subtitle: maximum 15 words, aligned to the left, with the first letter of the first word capitalized;
• 4 of 4 text outlines with up tp 180 characters;
• Summary and abstract with 100-200 words. It should highlight the objective, methodology, results and conclusions;
• Keywords in Portuguese and English: 3 to 5;
• Quotes: Observe NBR 10520 of 2002 by ABNT and adopt the author/date system;
• Diagrams, boards and tables should be presented with their respective titles and sources;
• References: Only the ones quoted in the body of the article should be presented at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, following NBR 6023 of 2002 by ABNT;
• Footnotes should have an explanatory nature and be highly reduced;
• Complementary info: In a separate file, the author should send:
o Page 1: Title of the article followed by identification of author(s) – Full name, company or institution they work for, position, mailing address, phone, fax and e-mail;  
o Page 2: Identification of the Field in which you include the article, its objectives,  methods, results and contribution to the practice of Business Administration.

Bibliographic Review

The purpose of a review is to introduce the readers to recently released works within the magazine’s scope. It consists of a critical appreciation on books and both national and international scientific publications that present consistent and innovative contents which interests the readers of Revista Eletrônica de Estratégia e Negócios. The author of the review should indicate the specific area of the work, introduce such work and present a critical analysis. The reviewer should also outline its strengths and weaknesses, as well as its contribution to organizational management.  The reviews presented should observe the following technical characteristics:  
• Formatting:
o A-4 sheets (210.0 x 297.0) papel A-4 (210,0 x 297,0)
o text editor: Word for Windows 6.0 or later version;
o upper and left margins = 3 cm, lower and right margins = 2 cm;
o font: Times New Roman, size 12;
o line spacing: 1.5;
o length: up to 2 pages;
• Elaborate complete references according to NBR 6023 of 2002 by ABNT (title, editorial data of the work being reviewed – place, Publisher, year of publication, total amount of pages and ISBN).
• It should also contain: Full name of the author, a brief CV indicating titles, institution where the title was acquired, current job, position, address, telephone, fax and e-mail.  

Cases Casos

The purpose of the cases is to introduce the readers to cases of Brazilian and foreign Strategic Administration companies, as well as of Evaluation of Organizational Performance  and/or Businesses.
The cases should observe the following technical characteristics:
• The order of presentation of the items should observe NBR 6022 of 1994, i.e.: Title, author, summary, key words, text, references,a pendix, attachments, translation of summary.
• Formatting: Formatação:
o A-4 sheets (210.0 x 297.0) papel A-4 (210,0 x 297,0)
o text editor: Word for Windows 6.0 or later version;  editor de texto: Word for Windows 6.0 ou posterior;
o upper and left margins = 3 cm, lower and right margins = 2 cm; margens superior e esquerda  = a 3 cm, inferior e direita= 2 cm;
o font: Times New Roman, size 12;
o paragraph: before spacing: 0; after spacing: 12 points; between lines: 1.5; left alignment.  
o Total size of article: 8 pages, including text, illustrations and references.
• Title of the case with up to 10 words, centralized in upper case and bold;
• Subtitle with up to 15 words, left alignment with only the first letter of the first Word in upper case;
• 4 to 5 text outlines with up to 180 characters; 4 a 5 destaques do texto com até 180 caracteres
• Summary and abstract with up to 100 to 200 words. It should emphasize the objective, the methodology, results and conclusions.
• Keywords in Portuguese and English: 3 to 5;
• Quotes: Follow NBR 19520 of 2002 by ABNT to adopt the author/date system;
• Diagrams, graphics and tables should be presented with complete titles and sources;
• References: Only those quoted in the body of the work should be presented at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, observing NBR 6023 of 2002 by ABNT;
• Footnotes must have an explanatory nature and be reduced to a minimum.
Other forms of collaboration:  Outras formas de colaboração
E&N is also open to other kinds of collaboration. Proposals from the academic and entrepreneurial communities will be evaluated by the editor based on the principals expressed by the editorial scope. Proposals should include, among other formats, short essays on academic subjects (texts with up to 2,000 words), theme forums, interviews and debates.
Texts should only and exclusively be submitted via SEER platform.
Submittal conditions Condições para a submissão
1) The contibution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication in another magazine; otherwise, please state it on “Comments to the editor”.  
2) The files submitted are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF  format (given they are not more than 2MB)
3) URLs of the given references, when necessary
4) The text should be in simple spacing and uses as 12-point font; it should use italics instead of underlines (except for URLs); pictures and tables are inserted in the body of the text, nota t the end of the document, as attachments.
5) The text follows the style pattern and bibliographic requirements observed in Directions for Authors, in the About the Magazine section.
6) The identification of the author of the work hás been removed from the file and from the option Properties of Word, thus ensuring the secrecy criterion of the magazine, when submitted to peer evaluation (articles, e.g.), according to instructions avalilable at Ensuring Blind Peer Evaluation.
Submittal indexation Indexação da submissão
Area and sub-area of academic knowledge Área e sub-área de conhecimento acadêmico
Please inform examples of areas of knowledge that are relevant to the magazine:
Example: Administration, Business Administration, Administration of specific sections.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todas as submissões devem atender aos seguintes requisitos.

  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao Editor".
  • O resumo contempla até 100 palavras e 5 palavras chaves. O artigo totaliza no máximo 30 páginas incluindo figuras, gráficos, tabelas e referencias bibliográficas.
  • As referências bibliográficas em sua maioria, são originárias de periódicos / revistas científicas publicadas nos últimos cinco anos, contemplado a literatura nacional e internacional, com destaque para citações dos últimos dois anos..
  • O texto está em espaço 1,5 entre linhas; usa a fonte Times New Roman de 12-pontos;  as figuras, tabelas, quadros seguem o padrão Microsoft Office e apresentam-se de forma aberta no texto, permitindo modificações.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na seção Sobre a Revista.
  • A identificação de autoria do trabalho foi removida do arquivo e da opção Propriedades no Word, garantindo desta forma o critério de sigilo da revista, caso submetido para avaliação por pares (ex.: artigos), conforme instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a Avaliação Cega por Pares.
  • A submissão contempla dois arquivos: o primeiro consiste no artigo completo, sem identificação e, o segundo consiste em documento complementar contendo: tíítulo do artigo; seguido da identificação do(s) autor(es) – nome completo, empresa ou instituição de ensino à qual está vinculado, última titulação, cargo, endereço completo para correspondência, telefone e e-mail.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this magazine will be solely used for the services offered by this publication and are not made available for other purposes or to third parties.