About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista Eletrônica de Estratégia e Negócios - E&N is the magazine of  Unisul’s Post-Graduation course in Business and Unisul Business School – UBS.  It has a scientific scope and is published in digital format. Its main purpose is to publish papers, the dissemination and data and the debate of ideas in the areas of Strategic Business, Evaluation of the Organizational  Performance and Business, as well as in similar areas of study.

Peer Review Process

The articles submitted to the appreciation of Revista Eletrônica of Strategy and Business will be evaluated in two phases:
• Firstly, it should undergo a preliminary evaluation by the editor,  who will the determine its adequacy to our editorial style and scope; and
• Secondly, an evaluation using the double blind review system with ad hoc examiners to ensure the credibility of our magazine as well as the impartiality of the examiners;
• em caso de avaliações díspares, uma terceira avaliação será efetuada.

Open Access Policy

This magazine offers immediate free Access to its contents, following the principle that by availing scientific knowledge to the public for free will promote a better democratization of global knowledge.