Use of Bach’s ?oral therapy in human beings: an integrating review


  • Aline de Carvalho Martins



Flower essences, Complementary Terapies, Human, Quality of Life


Bach Florals were created in the 1930s by Edward Bach, an English physician. It is a dilute hydroalcoholic solution, prepared from ?owers and usually administered orally, in order to reestablish the individual’s psychophysical balance. A review of the scientifc production in the feld of ?oral therapy, associated with the Bach ?oral, already published in indexed journals, was carried out in order to map the current uses and results of this therapy in Brazil and in Latin America, based on a Review integrating the literature based on seventy-four studies published in indexed journals of international scope. It has been verifed that articles are about the use of ?oral for the improvement of the quality of life, for the treatment in dermatology, chronic noncommunicable diseases and mental disorders. Tere was a predominance of oral treatment and varieties in the dosage and frequency of ?oral administration. In most of the comparative studies the treatment with Floral Terapy was considered to be superior to the other treatment modality o?ered, showing more than twice the e?ectiveness. Two studies considered balance between the results obtained in the ?oral and other forms of treatment and one study presented advantages for the traditional treatment in relation to ?oral therapy. In the experimental studies, an improvement rate of more than 63% was observed. It is concluded that Bach ?owers are presenting as an e?ective treatment modality, even when their treatment is focused on the disease and not on the subject. No adverse e?ects have been reported, which suggests this as a safe, e?ective and safe treatment modality.

Author Biography

  • Aline de Carvalho Martins
    Assistente Social, Doutora em Serviço Social (UERJ), Tecnologista em Saúde Pública pelo Instituto Nacional da Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira/FIOCRUZ.





Review articles