The use of sound resources by naturologists


  • Letícia Petruz de Souza
  • Ana Léa Maranhão



Sound resources in therapy. Terapeutic use of music. Naturology.


The goal of this research was to assess the use of sound resources, sounds and music, by naturologists in the attendance, how are used to compose an environment with a welcoming listening, the participation of the interacting agent in this process. It was verifed the importance that is given to the choice of a sound-musical repertoire, consistent with the objectives of the naturological process, that aims at the care and attention to health through an integration of natural practices, a multidimensional vision of the health-disease process and an interagency relationship. It was a cross-sectional, quantitative, observational/descriptive study. Te sample included 53 naturologists graduated from Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina and Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, who have been working in the clinical feld for at least six months. In general, most naturologists are graduates of UNISUL; use sound resources, such as ambient sound, through recorded music; have little musical knowledge; and use some criteria to choose the sound. Tis study can contribute to the structuring of the courses of Naturology and to the profession and to encourage the conscious use of the sound resources in the naturological consultations, in order to add and help the therapeutic process, composing a suitable therapeutic environment to reach the proposed objectives.

Author Biographies

  • Letícia Petruz de Souza
    Graduanda em Naturologia pela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina.
  • Ana Léa Maranhão
    Bacharel em Musicoterapia pela FPA-SP; mestre em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC-SP, docente na graduação de Naturologia na UNISUL e pós-graduação FAC Candeias e Censupeg





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