Effects of microphysiotherapy associated with the application of elastic bandage in the treatment of sialorrhea in a child with microcephaly

case study


  • Diogenes Ferreira dos Passos
  • Rayanna Ferreira Cintra da Silva
  • Caroline Dieder Dalmas de Andrade
  • Denyse Brito Nunes




Sialorrhea, Microcephaly, Bandages


Introduction: Microcephaly is a conformation platform of several complex and multifactorial, involving genetic and environmental factors, identified through the measurement of the cephalic perimeter. In November 2015, the health ministry declared a national health emergency due to an outbreak of neonates with microcephaly, especially in the state of Pernambuco. Among the clinical manifestations resulting from microcephaly, there was a restriction of mobility and decreased tone / functionality of the lips, cheeks and tongue. It is possible to detect lack of lip seal, with the presence of sialorrhea. Objective: To verify the effect of microphysiotherapy associated to the application of the magnetic stripe in the reduction of sialorrhea. Material and Method: Based on a clinical case study of a one-year-old male gender and microcephaly diagnosis. As a data collection analysis procedure, an analytical study was carried out through a follow-up of the case, during the four months of physiotherapeutic intervention. Results: The case studied showed significant improvements in sialorrhea and also swallowing, breathing, gastroesophageal reflux, incidence of choking and advances in chewing. Final Considerations: It was verified that a microphysiotherapy associated with magnetic stripe and effective in the improvement of sialorrhea and other issues related to the oral system in children with microcephaly. Further studies addressing an association and its separate actions as treatment of sialorrhea in patients with microcephaly.





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