Integrative and complementary practices: the contribution of thenaturologist in public health teams


  • Rita Iolanda Ferreira Mesquita Gohara
  • Caio Fábio Schlechta Portella



Complementary and Integrative Practices, Nacional Policy on Integrative and complementary Practices, Naturology, Multiprofessional team, Health Unic System.


Introduction: On account of the Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares – PINPIC (Na¬tional Integrative and Complementary Practices Policy – NICPP) established in 2006, an increasing search for skilled professionals for the application of the Integrative and Complementary Practices (ICP). The naturolo¬gist is a skilled professional in the application of such practices, grounded on transdisciplinary formation basis that proposes an integral approach – a dialogue between traditional knowledge and biomedicine.
Objective: The present study aimed at raising debates and reflexions on the action of the naturologist in the context of a ICP multidisciplinary team in SUS health teams. Material and method: The study was qualitative exploratory was carried out through field research; the data collection was achieved by means of the application of semi struc¬tured questionnaires with 12 non-naturologist professionals, 2 managers and 2 neurologists in a São Paulo State Ad¬olescent Health Attention SUS associated Program. Result: Data were processed using Bardin Content Analysis and descried in four thematic categories found subsequently: (1) The ideas of the team professionals on the ICPs, (2) Na¬turology in the eyes of the multiprofessional team, (3) the contribution of the naturologist within a SUS multiprofes¬sional team and (4) Integration of actions among the professionals of the multidisciplinary team.
Final considerations: It was observed that there is a good acceptance of the naturologist in his professional practice and in his performance with the ICPs in the studied health teams, which makes it possible to consider Naturology as a proposal of action in the health area, thus strengthening transformative actions and compos¬ing SUS aligned multiprofessional health teams

Author Biographies

  • Rita Iolanda Ferreira Mesquita Gohara
    Naturóloga graduada pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
  • Caio Fábio Schlechta Portella
    Naturólogo com formação específca em Fitoterapia pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. Mestre em Ciências pela Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo. Coordenador e Docente do Curso de Naturologia da Universidade AnhembiMorumbi, Editor Associado da revista Cadernos de Naturologia e Terapias Complementares - CNTC. Sócio Fundador e Diretor de Tecnologia da Informação da Sociedade Brasileira de Naturologia - SBNAT. Sócio Fundador da APANAT - Associação Paulista de Naturologia. Docente da Pós Graduação em Dor e Pós Graduação em Ortopedia Multiprofssional do Instituto Israelita Albert Einstein.





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