Naturology in Brazil and Naturopathy worlwide: a brief study on resemblances and differences


  • Mayara Aparecida Passos
  • Daniel Maurício de Oliveira Rodrigues



naturology, naturopathy


The present study discuss on Naturology in Brazil and Naturopathy around the world. Initially it approaches therapies, practices and non-conventional resources in a general context, followed by a wide presentation on concepts of naturology and naturopathy, ending in a suggestive comparison between those, analyzing divergent points and equivalent points on both fields, relating those points to both history or professional work. The objective of this assay is to contribute to discussions about varied possibilities of referenced fields being or not alike, however not intending to present conclusions or ending the subject.

Author Biographies

  • Mayara Aparecida Passos
    Bacharel em Naturologia pela UAM. Diretora de comunicação da APANAT
  • Daniel Maurício de Oliveira Rodrigues
    Bacharel em Naturologia pela UNISUL, Mestre em Saúde Coletiva pela UFSC. Doutorando em Medicina Preventiva pela Faculdade de Medicina da USP. Presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Naturologia (SBNAT), Coordenador do Curso de Graduação em Naturologia na Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL).





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