The Rastafári Medicine and possible relation with the Naturology


  • Igor Azevedo Silva
  • Carolina Ruiz
  • Caio Fábio Schlechta Portella
  • Adriana Elias Magno da Silva



Traditional Medicine. Bush Doctors. Natural Health. Naturology


The present study aims to identify the health conception and the therapy practice used by the Rastafari Culture and establish a possible relation with the Naturology. A descriptive and analytical study of a qualitative approach was elaborated through researches in online and physical scientifc databases and feld survey where eleven people were interviewed, being they priests, prophets and practitioners of the Rastafari Culture in Brazil. Te research made it possible to fnd important information about Rastafari Culture, and it is possible to elucidate that, like Naturology, the cosmology of this culture has a multidimensional and complex character, traits that are characteristic of the vitalist paradigm in health and proposes that the therapeutic look be integrative. Te analysis of the research data suggests that Rastafari Medicine can be understood as a therapeutic line compatible with the practices of Naturology, because it presents similar concepts and afnities to Naturological thinking, such as the integrative vision of health and the use of natural therapeutic resources.

Author Biographies

  • Igor Azevedo Silva
    Bacharel em Naturologia pela UAM. 2014.
  • Carolina Ruiz
    Gestora Ambiental. Bacharelanda em Naturologia pela UAM. 2018.
  • Caio Fábio Schlechta Portella
    Naturólogo com formação especifca em Fitoterapia pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, Mestre em ciências pela Faculdade de Saúde Publica da Universidade de São Paulo, Coordenador e Docente do curso de Naturologia da Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, Editor Associado da Revista Cadernos de Naturologia e Terapias Complementares – CNTC, Sócio Fundador e Diretor de Tecnologias da Informação da Sociedade Brasileira de Naturologia – SBNAT, Sócio fundador da APANAT – Associação Paulista de Naturologia, Docente da PósGraduação em Dor e Pós-Graduação em Ortopedia Multiprofssional do Instituto Israelita Albert Einstein, Naturólogo no Instituto Transdisciplinar Intedor e Espaço Integral Saúde
  • Adriana Elias Magno da Silva
    Professora da Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. Doutora Em Antropologia pela PUC/SP.DOI: 10.19177/cntc.v6e11201721-32





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