Similarities and differences between Naturology and Naturopathy formations under the rationales medical concept


  • Carina Cerrati
  • Fernando Hellmann UFSC
  • Madel Luz



Naturology, Naturopathy, Medical Rationality.


Medical rationality is an analytical concept that makes it possible to compare different therapeutical systems. Starting from this tool, it was intended in this study to identify and analyze the approaches and distancing, similarities and differences, between the formations of Naturology, in Brazil, and of Naturopathy, in Canada and the United States of America, from their Curricular Matrix (Pedagogical Project) of Bachelor Degree. It is a qualitative study, descriptive in its objectives, and documentary according to its means. Curricular Matrix of the educational institutions that offer Bachelor Degree in Naturology and Naturopathy were compared. The Curricular Matrix of six institutions were analyzed, being two Brazilians, two Americans and two Canadians, by means of Analysis of Thematic Content, from four given categories a priori: (1) Medical Doctrine; (2) Mor¬phology and Vital Dynamics; (3) Diagnostic System, and (4) Therapeutical System. The results of the study indicate more proximity, similarity, between Naturology, in Brazil, and Naturopathy in Canada and the United States of America, concerning Medical Doctrine. However, it was perceived differences between those institu¬tions in the categories of Morphology and Vital Dynamics, Diagnostic System and Therapeutical System. Cul¬tural factors and legal aspects in different countries contribute for this distancing. Therefore, it cannot be used as synonymous the Bachelor Degree of Naturology and Naturopathy in these countries, since, at the same time they approach while philosophy and conceptions of health, they are distant from each other while practical reach of performance and of intervention.

Author Biographies

  • Carina Cerrati

    Naturóloga. Mestranda em Saúde Coletiva pela UFRGS

  • Fernando Hellmann, UFSC
    Naturólogo formado pela UNISUL, especialista em Fitoterapia pela Unibem. Mestre em Saúde Pública; Bioética pela UFSC. Doutor em Saúde Coletiva pela UFSC. Professor do Departamento de Saúde Pública da universidade Federal de Santa catarina.
  • Madel Luz
    Possui graduação em Filosofa pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1962), mestrado em Sociologia -Universite Catholique de Louvain (1969) e doutorado em Ciência Política pela Universidade de São Paulo (1978). Professora titular aposentada da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, atualmente é colaboradora da UFRGS e colaboradora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva da UFF. É lider do Grupo CNPq Racionalidades em Saúde: Sistemas Médicos complexos e Práticas Complementares e integrativas, atualmente sediado no Instituto de Saúde da Comunidade, UFF.





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