Naturology and Agroecology: a complex dialogue


  • Eunice Regina Maria da Silva Durão Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
  • Adriana Elias Magno da Silva
  • Paula Cristina Ischkanian



Naturology, Naturopathy, Agroecology, Urban gardens, Complexity and Integrative Health


Introduction: The conceptual links between Naturology and Agroecology presents commom and comple¬mentary interfaces that when dialogued between themselves demonstrate new paradigms and potencialities seeking commom objectives on food conciousness and security, autonomy, ecologic vision and revival of tradi-cional knowledge. Objective: Comprehend the importance of integrated actions in different participative and dialogic areas, also as to verify if transdiciplinary actions empower the understanding in health education in integrated and sistemic perspectives. Metodology: Qualitative approaching that uses action-research and talk¬ing-map realized by the NGO “Casa do Zezinho” with kids between 6 and 21 years old. Results: Were obtained by means of participative actions that builded urban vegetable agroecologic gardens in order to comprehend social, cultural, political and ambiental dimensions. Actions that through transdiciplinarity demonstrates to be possible to promote health education. Discussion: Allowed recognition of the complexity of the interagence integrativity health process converged with actions in studied areas. Considerations: This study indicates and empowers the perspective regarding the construction of inherited nature knowledge paradigms that should be shared instead of hijacked by the hegemonic system. Emphasis in the need of studies at the context here analized to better evaluate the results, specially to build the health complexity which seeks a sistemic and in¬tegrative perspective of reality.

Author Biographies

  • Eunice Regina Maria da Silva Durão, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
    Graduação em Naturologia pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
  • Adriana Elias Magno da Silva
    Doutora em Antropologia pela PUC/SP (2012). Docente do Curso de Naturologia, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (UAM)
  • Paula Cristina Ischkanian
    Naturóloga. Doutora em Ciências FSP/USP; Docente do Curso de Naturologia, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (UAM).





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