The academic graduation on Naturology in Brazil


  • Mayara Aparecida Passos Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
  • Daniel Maurício de Oliveira Rodrigues UNISUL
  • André Luiz Ribeiro



Academic Profile, Professional Formation, Naturology – Naturopath.


The research intended to describe the academic graduation on Naturology throughout Brazilian colleges. It con-sisted of a nationwide study, categorized as a descriptive research, of quantitative and data-collection nature. Data for this study were collected between February and May, 2015, from a questionnaire developed by the authors. Sampling included 386 naturologists graduated from Brazilian colleges until 2014. According to analyzed answers to the questionnaire, the majority of the professionals studied at UNISUL (60,0%) and 65,7% of the whole sample already had a complementary course. Understanding Naturology as an important part and adequate course of modern society accounted for 67,6% of the respondents and 84,7% of them also consider the political-pedagogic basis of their courses as average or satisfactory. In general terms, participants on the research would rather have a stronger curricular basis and be more demanded during graduation, although 54,0% qualify their course as suf¬ficient for professional working demand. This study is designed to support the formation of future professionals as well as stimulate the increasing scenario of naturologists acting on public health systems.

Author Biographies

  • Mayara Aparecida Passos, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

    -Bacharel em Naturologia pela UAM

    -Diretora de comunicação da APANAT

  • Daniel Maurício de Oliveira Rodrigues, UNISUL

    -Bacharel em Naturologia pela UNISUL
    -Mestre em Saúde Coletiva pela UFSC
    -Presidente da SBNAT

  • André Luiz Ribeiro

    -Bacharel em fisioterapia pela Universidade do Grande ABC

    -Mestre em educação física pela Univerisade São Judas Tadeu de São Paulo





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