Auriculotherapy in anxiety disorders in the Academic Lutheran University Center of Ji-Parana: case reports


  • Roberta Freitas Santos
  • Laura Masson Trescher de Souza
  • Luciene Alves Clemente
  • Tiago Valiatti Barcelos
  • Jeferson de Oliveira Salvi



Auricular acupuncture, Phobic Disorders, Manifest Anxiety Scale


Introduction: Anxiety is an emotional state that under normal conditions that all people may experience. How¬ever, when these disorders are common, becoming a disturbance, the individual manifesting symptoms of anxi¬ety for a long time. Among the therapeutic techniques that are the complementary and integrative therapies, auriculotherapy can be considered the most used, is indicated and internationally recognized for the treatment of various pathological signs and symptoms. Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of auriculotherapy in anxiety disorders. Material and Methods: It was developed an experimental study, presented as case report, through the auriculocybernetics technique that´s based on the French mapping. Patients were constituted in students (n = 4) of the Lutheran University Center of Ji-Parana, in Rondonia state (Brazil). They were followed by for four months. As inclusion criteria, as well as anxiety self-declaration, we assessed the level of this state by the Hamilton inven¬tory. The data were interpreted by simple percentage descriptive statistics and averages evaluated in pairs by the T-test student. Results: When compared to previous periods to treatment and after, was recorded that there was a significant difference (p <0.05) reflected the anxiety improves as the main complaint, but also in reducing sec¬ondary complaints. Final thoughts: auriculotherapy was an effective intervention in reducing the symptoms of anxiety, suggesting the discussion of accessibility due to its representation as integrative therapeutic tool low cost.

Author Biographies

  • Laura Masson Trescher de Souza
    Biomédica habilitada em Acupuntura
  • Luciene Alves Clemente
    Biomédica habilitada em Acupuntura pelo CEULJI/ULBRA
  • Tiago Valiatti Barcelos
    Acadêmico do curso de Farmácia do CEULJI/ULBRA
  • Jeferson de Oliveira Salvi
    Farmacêutico, especialista em Acupuntura, mestrando em Biologia Celular e Molecular aplicada à saúde (ULBRA). Coordenador do projeto de extensão Auriculoterapia Acadêmica e ministra as disciplinas de Acupuntura e Homeopatia no CEULJI/ULBRA.





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