The auriculotherapy cybernetics in elderly: case report


  • Laura Masson Trescher de Souza Centro Universitário Luterano de Ji-Paraná
  • Jeferson de Oliveira Salvi Centro Universitário Luterano de Ji-Paraná



Acupuncture, Complementary Therapies, Best Age


Auriculotherapy is a form of diagnosis and treatment that makes use of the external ear as an intermediary. WHO indicates the use of TCM in the treatment of diseases at least 43. It is already known that the increase in the elderly has been growing over the years, so this is interesting enable them to various forms of treatment and better quality of life at low cost. Descriptive study with qualitative and quantitative approach, the type of case, making use of three main points of Ear Shenmen, Kidney and sympathetic. The patients presented in general, significant improvement in their signs and symptoms presented in the first session, which character¬izes the effectiveness of treatment in such cases for the conditions indicated by the patients. Thus, the research reveals the possibility of other forms of treatment for various diseases with the use of cybernetics auriculo-therapy, however further study is needed, taking into account that there are few studies related to auriculo¬therapy.

Author Biographies

  • Laura Masson Trescher de Souza, Centro Universitário Luterano de Ji-Paraná
    Acadêmica de Biomedicina, cursando o último período. Com ênfase em duas habilitações, análises clínicas e acupuntura.
  • Jeferson de Oliveira Salvi, Centro Universitário Luterano de Ji-Paraná
    Graduado em Farmácia Generalista pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (2009), possui pós-graduação Lato sensu em Acupuntura pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Therapias e Ensino (IBRATE) em convênio com a Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná (UENP). Faz doutorado em Ciências Biomédicas pelo Instituto Universitário Italiano de Rosário (IUNIR) aonde desenvolve linha de pesquisa relacionando a Farmacologia do processo inflamatório com a Medicina Tradicional Chinesa. Atua como docente assistente no Centro Universitário Luterano de Ji-Paraná (CEULJI/ULBRA) e é membro do núcleo docente estruturante dos cursos de Farmácia e Fisioterapia.





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