The interaction’s relation under the perspective of person centered approach


  • Renan Kendy do Carmo
  • Glória Aberg Cobo
  • Fernando Hellmann UNISUL ; UFSC



Naturologia, Interaction’s Relation, Person Centered Approach


The present study had the objective the discussion of the interaction’s relation and it’s approxima¬tions e distancing about the Person Centered Approach (PCA) of Carl Rogers, from the bilateral perspective (naturologo- inter-agent) and, besides that, observe how this relationship occurs in the clinical practice of the naturologo. This is a study with a qualitive character, descriptive-exploratory, realized by mean of field investigation. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation. The subjects of the study were divided into three pairs; each pair was constituted by a naturologo and an inter-agent. The data was studied through thematic content analysis. The results were described in three categories: (1) Perceptions of naturólogo about his role in the interaction’s relation, (2) perceptions of the interagent about themselves on the interaction’s relation, (3) Conceptions of Naturólogos and Interagent on the interaction’s relation. It was concluded the convergences and divergences exist between the concept of interaction’s relation and the conception of therapeutic relation developed by the PCA; the convergent as¬pects were checked when the naturólogo maintained himself in aaccepting, emphatic and welcoming postu¬re. The diverging aspects were observes in the occasions in which was registered directivity in the naturolo¬go approach in relation to his evaluations second the symptoms related by the inter-agent.

Author Biographies

  • Renan Kendy do Carmo
    Naturólogo formado pela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (2012).
  • Glória Aberg Cobo

    Possui graduação em Musicoterapia - Universidad Del Salvador - Argentina (1994) e graduação em psicologia pela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (2008).

  • Fernando Hellmann, UNISUL ; UFSC
    Naturólogo formado pela UNISUL. Especialista em Fitoterapia pela Unibem. Mestre em Saúde Pública pela UFSC. Doutorando em Saúde Coletiva pela UFSC. Coordenador do curso de Naturologia e do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Unisul.





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