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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines:

1. Manuscripts submitted for publication should be sent exclusively to Cadernos de Naturologia e Terapias Complementares / Journal of Naturology and Complementary Therapies. The authors should state that: the article is an original research; it was not submitted for publication elsewhere at the same time; declare no conflict of interest, personal or from funding agencies / organizations; and that the research was conducted within the ethical and legal regulations. They must also declare total approval and responsibility for its content and design. In case of there is more than one author, it should be indicated the person responsible for the work, in the form of “correspondence author”.

2. The concepts and information contained in the texts are full responsibility of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board of the journal.

3. All manuscripts will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee; thereafter authors will be notified of the decision by the editors, both in case of acceptance of the manuscript, with or without the need for revisions, or rejection of the work.

4. The copyright of the published texts, including translations, are automatically transferred to the Cadernos de Naturologia e Terapias Complementares / Journal of Naturology and Complementary Therapies, being prohibited the total or partial reproduction at other periodicals, likewise the translation into another language without the permission of the publishers. Secondary publication must cite the original source. Therefore, all manuscripts sent for publication must be accompanied with a document of transfer of copyright, containing the signature(s) of the author(s) as the model available on the journal website.

5. The content of the manuscript is responsibility of the authors. The journal does not provide corrections of Portuguese, English and Spanish.

6. The dates of receipt and acceptance of the manuscript will be displayed in the publication and informed on the online version. 

Submission of manuscripts:

Articles intended for Cadernos de Naturologia e Terapias Complementares / Journal of Naturology and Complementary Therapies may be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, and should follow the style of the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals, known as the Vancouver Style, published version in October 2005, prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and based on the ANSI standard, adapted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

The texts in Portuguese and Spanish must have title, abstract and keywords in the original language and in English. The English text must have title, abstract and keywords in the original language and in Portuguese.

The text (including tables, charts and diagrams) and illustrations must be submitted electronically (online submission). The text should be typed in Arial font size 12, size A4 paper sheets, spacing of 1.5 and margins of 3 cm superior and to the left, and  2 cm to the right and bottom. The pages should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the top right corner of the sheet. The title of the article (in English and Portuguese), as well as subtitles that compose it, must be in bold. The titles and subtitles of the sections should be organized in capital, the decrease in the left margin and unnumbered progressive. References will not be accepted inserted as footnotes. Notes must be in the final text.

The digital file must be provided in the generated file in text editing program Windows Microsoft Word doc or docx format.

The work involving study of humans as well as clinical records shall be in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and future statements. All research involving human subjects published in this journal should have been conducted in accordance with these principles and with other similar disposed in the respective Ethics Committees search of the home institutions of the authors. In the case of experiments with animals, they should follow the same principles of ethics involved and should be followed the guidelines of the National Council of Research on the use and care of laboratory animals.

The Cadernos de Naturologia e Terapias Complementares / Journal of Naturology and Complementary Therapies supports the guidelines for registration of clinical trials of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the World Health Organization, valuing the initiative to record and disseminate information on open access clinical studies. Thus, it will only be accepted for publication articles which have received an identification number in one validated Clinical Trial Registers. The number should be recorded in the abstract. It is recommended that authors follow the guidelines of the consort to the publication of clinical trials.The entities that register clinical trials according to the criteria of the ICMJE and WHO are:

1 -Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR)


3- International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN)

4- Nederlands Trial Register (NTR)

5- UMIN Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN-CTR)

6- WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP)

7- Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos-REBEC

Composition of the articles:

Manuscripts must obey the following structure:
a) title page:title of the article in English (which should be concise and informative);title of the article in Portuguese (ditto the previous item);

b) abstract and keywords:Title and subtitle, if necessary, in English and Portuguese.Abstract: You should have a minimum of 150 and maximum of 250 words, highlighting in the text the sections: introduction, objectives, material and methods, results and final considerations. The authors should make explicit the respective sections in the abstract.

Keywords: (corresponding to words or expressions that identify the contents of the article). To determine the keywords, authors should consult the Medical Subject Headings - MESH (electronic consultation at: Endpoint must be used to separate the keywords, and the first letter of the first word must be capitalized. Authors can submit a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 keywords.


In the case of scientific research, the manuscript should contain the following sections: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, closing remarks and acknowledgments (if any). In the case of review articles, brief communication, experience reports and clinical cases, there may be flexibility in the designation of these chapters.

The ‘Introduction’ should be short, clear and objective defining the problem studied, summarizing its importance and highlighting the gaps that will be addressed in the manuscript. In the ‘Materials and Methods’, the type of study is cited, the data sources, the target population, sample, sampling, sample size calculation, selection criteria, procedures, materials, type of analysis among others, must be described in a comprehensive and complete but without prolixity. The ‘Results’ should be limited to describing the results without interpretations and comparisons. The text should complement and not repeat what is presented in tables, charts and figures. The ‘Discussion’ section should include the assessment of the authors on the study's limitations, comparing the results with the literature and the authors' interpretation of the results. The ‘Final considerations’ should include both major implications and possible indication of paths for further research. Articles regarding qualitative research can join the Results and Discussion section, or even have different sections, but always respecting the logical structure of articles.

Acknowledgements: (if any) - thank people who have contributed significantly to the study. The authors of the manuscript are responsible for obtaining the written consent of the persons named in the acknowledgments.

Sources of funding: assign the name of the organization that provided financial aid, support or encouragement. Suppliers of materials or equipment, either it’s free or with discounts, must also be reported as financing sources, specifying city, state and country. In case studies without financial resources, authors should state that the research has not received funding for its implementation.

d) Ways to citation in text:Throughout the manuscriptshould be used numerical system of citation, in which only the index numbers of the references, in the overwritten form, are indicated. Sequential numbers should be separated by a hyphen; random numbers must be separated by commas. It should not be used parentheses, brackets and similar in quotes. The citation number may be accompanied or not by the author’s name and year of publication. When there are two authors, both are linked by the conjunction "and", if more than two, cite the first author followed by "et al."In cases of direct quotes from up to 3 lines, double inverted commas should be used, font size 12 and spacing of 1.5. Direct quotes with more than 3 lines,should use up left indent of 4 cm, font size 10 and single spacing.


According to Rodrigues et al7 (2011), the naturólogo is a new healthcare professional who works with complementary and integrative practices in health.

The Naturology proposes an understanding of the health-disease systemically, multidimensional and varied, so that instead of choosing a single knowledge base offers diverse perspectives of the human being and nature, which defines the formation and performance of this professional.5,10

e) References:

References should be arranged and numbered according to the Vancouver Style, according to guidelines provided by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" ( The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the "List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus" ( and printed without bold, italic or italics, and one should use the same presentation in all references. The surnames of the authors should be followed by their first names abbreviated without periods or commas. Use only a comma between the names of different authors.

In publications with up to six authors, cite all; publications with seven or more authors, cite the first six and then the Latin phrase "et al.". Include year, volume, number (issue) and article pages after the title of the journal. The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the authors. It is recommended that authors use a maximum of 30 references, except to review studies

.Examples of references:


Azevedo E. Trofoterapia e nutracêutica. Blumenau: Nova Letra; 2007.

Book chapter:

Cidral Filho FJ. Naturologia aplicada a qualidade de vida. In: Hellmann F, Wedekin LM. O livro das interagências. Tubarão: Unisul; 2008. p 132-155.

Journal article:

Rodrigues DMO, Hellmann F, Sanches NMP. A naturologia e a interface com as racionalidades médicas. Cad. Acad. 2011 Jan-Jul;3(1):24-36

Article with more than 6 authors:

Boing AF, Vicenzi RB, Magajewski F, Boing  AC, Moretti-Pires RO, Peres KG et al. Redução das internações por condições sensíveis à atenção primária no Brasil entre 1998-2009. Rev. Saúde Pública  2012  Abr;  46(2): 359-366.

Thesis and Dissertation:

Hellmann F. Reflexões sobre os referenciais de análise em bioética no ensino da Naturologia no Brasil à luz da bioética social [dissertação de mestrado]. Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; 2009.

Paper presented or published in scientific events:

Rodrigues DMO, Rauber, F. A inalação do óleo essencial de Citru limon e o desempenho de estudantes universitários no teste de atenção concentrada d2. In: Anais do IV Congresso Brasileiro de Naturologia; 2011 out 28-30; São Paulo(Br): APANAT; 2011. p. 27.

f) Tables, charts, diagrams and graphs:

They should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Captions of tables, diagrams, charts and tables should be placed on top of them and, when necessary, it should include include below a list of symbols, abbreviations and other information in order to facilitate interpretation. Tables should be opened in the right and left sides.

All tables, charts, diagrams and graphs, without exception, should be cited in the manuscript and should be submitted at the end of the manuscript on separate pages. It is allowed up to 5 illustrations per manuscript.Note: The charts should be considered as "figures" and included in the numerical sequence along with the images.

g) Abbreviations and nomenclature:

Must be used in a standardized way, avoiding abbreviations in the title or abstract. The full name which refers to an abbreviation should precede the first occurrence in the manuscript, unless it is an abbreviation known nationally or internationally. The rules of biological nomenclature regarding scientific names of plants and fungi should be strict.


The author(s) should ensure that any form of identification was removed from the main document. In a separate file must be added: the complete name of the author(s), their titration and institution in which one belongs in full: department, mailing address, email and funding sources.The people listed as authors should have participated in the preparation of the manuscript so that they can take responsibility for their content. Qualifying as authors assumes: conception, design, analysis or interpretation of data, drafting the article, critical revision and approval of the final version. In this document it is necessary to cite the individual contributions of each author in the preparation of the article.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal, otherwise must be justified on "Comments to the Editor."
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format (should not exceed 2MB)

  • 3. URLs for the references have been informed when necessary
  • The text is in space 1.5, uses a 12-point font size; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses);
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the ‘Author Guidelines’, in ‘About the Journal’.
  • The identification of authorship of the manuscript was removed from the file and the ‘Properties’ option in Microsoft Word, thus ensuring the confidentiality of the revised criteria, if subjected to peer review, according to instructions available in ‘Ensuring Blind Peer Assessment’.


Theoretical article relevant to the central theme of the Journal, which will receive comments of up to 5 experts, invited by the editorial board and will accept a replica of the main author. The text should not exceed 12 pages. The text of the debaters and the replica will have a maximum of 4 pages each.

Original Articles

Basic (pre-clinical), clinical, epidemiological, anthropological, historical, philosophical and sociological research studies. The text should not exceed 15 pages with references and illustrations.

Review articles

Systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis OR critical and narrative literature reviews. The text should not exceed 20 pages with references and illustrations.

Brief communication

Short articles with preliminary results or immediate relevance. The text should not exceed 5 pages, with references and illustrations.

Experience reports and clinical case studies

Report of one or more rare clinical cases or of extreme relevance to the field. Report of projects or experiences relevant to the area of ​​Naturology and Complementary Practices will also be accepted. The text should not exceed 10 pages.

Book Reviews

Critical analysis of a book related to the field of the Journal, published in the last 3 years. Authors should submit by email a high definition image of the book cover. The text should not exceed 5 pages.

Thesis and dissertation abstract:

Original abstract of thesis and dissertation defended and approved in the last 4 years. The abstract must contain: title in English and Portuguese; author's name; tutor's name; level (M.A., Doctoral or PhD.); department; institution; month and year of defense. Complete abstract in Portuguese and English. Keywords. Abstract is not subject of peer appraisal.


Comments from readers about an article published in a previous issue of the Journal. The text should not exceed 3 pages.

Privacy Statement

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater democratization of knowledge worldwide.