About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Purpose of the journal:
Cadernos de Naturologia e Terapias Complementares / Journal of Naturology and Complementary Therapies is a biannual publication that aims to disseminate original research studies, reviews, debates, book reviews, letters, experience or case reports and ​​clinical studies in the area of Naturology / Complementary Therapies and related disciplines. The journal accepts for publication pre-clinical, clinical, observational, qualitative and mixed nature studies.

Area of ​​concentration:


Target audience:

The journal is intended for naturologists, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate Naturology students and those of related areas, as well as other professionals of the field of complementary and integrative practices.

Type of document:
Cadernos de Naturologia e Terapias Complementares / Journal of Naturology and Complementary Therapies will publish original scientific research studies; clinical case reports, experience reports, letters to the editor, book reviews, review articles and ​​clinical studies.

Peer Review Process

Criteria for evaluation of the texts:
The originals manuscript will be first evaluated by the editors according to the "instructions for authors". Manuscripts that do not comply with the standards will be rejected even before they are submitted for review.
Manuscripts which are in accordance with the instructions to authors will be forwarded to the Editorial Committee that will evaluate the scientific merit of the study. After this stage, the manuscripts will be sent to two reviewers previously selected by the Council. The process of peer review will be the system of blind review, i.e., procedure in which the identity of the authors and the reviewers is undisclosed.
The reviewers response will be one of the three possibilities: a) Accepted for publication b) In need of revision c) Declined for publication. In case the manuscript is returned to the authors for revision, they should carry out all modifications suggested by the reviewers. In this case, the authors should submit the revised version with the changes and / or explanations made underlined in the text. The new version will be re-evaluated by the Editorial Comitee of the journal.

Publication Frequency


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater democratization of knowledge worldwide.


Subjects relevant to Naturology and complementary practices can be published as supplements of the Cadernos de Naturologia e Terapias Complementares / Journal of Naturology and Complementary Therapies.
Supplements are coordinated by at least four editors, of which one has to be an editor of the journal, chosen by the scientific editor. The other editors may be suggested by the proponent of the supplement.
The supplement may be composed of original articles, review articles, short communications, experience or clinical case reports.

Areas of knowledge

Integrative and Complementary Practices
Complementary Therapies
Traditional Medicine
Complementary and Alternative Medicine