The Good Living as an Ecocentric, Intercultural and Plurinational Way of Life


  • Pedro Coelho Marques Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Minas Gerais


Good living, Interculturality, Plurinationality, Decoloniality, Ecocentrism


This work's object of study is the "œgood living" as an utopian cosmovision reflected in a way of life to be introduced and persecuted by the State. The good living is examined as it is expressed in the Ecuadorian Constitution, outlining a clearly bias of development connected to the environment improvement in a way of putting it above profitability. Brazilian reality allow us to consider the insertion of the good living as an alternative paradigm for a nation which shows a variety of cultures and nationalities. Interculturality and plurinationality justify the approach of the good living as a symbolic category which carries different values in order of giving life a meaning in a society struggling to let go on the eurocentrism which inevitably strikes it since 1492, with its "œdiscovery" or its "œcover-up". The deductive method was used and a bibliographic technique was applied.

Author Biography

  • Pedro Coelho Marques, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Minas Gerais

    Mestrando em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Graduado em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Advogado.

