Policy in the field of countering the activities of terrorist and extremist organizations



Terrorism, Extremism, Terrorist organization, Extremist organization, Crime prevention, Punishment


Objective: The purpose of the work is to analyze some problems of countering the activities of extremist and terrorist organizations, as well as to develop proposals for its improvement from the point of view of building an optimal criminal policy. Methods: The systematic method considered a set of various directions of action against terrorist and extremist organizations. Analysis and synthesis were used when working with information provided in legislation, statistical data, judicial practice, comparison of data on crimes and convicted persons. Results: It has been established that there is some bias in the imposition of punishment under Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the direction of its mitigation relative to the sanctions of this article. A decrease in the number of persons convicted under Article 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as for an unfinished crime has been revealed, in connection with which it has been proposed to actively disseminate information about compromise measures provided for by law. Conclusion: It has been concluded that the proposals to criminalize the propaganda of extremism are supported. Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has been considered as a norm with double prevention, it has been proposed to ensure the stability of the assessment of the public danger of this act and to abandon its decriminalization. Proposals have been made to improve measures for criminological prevention of manifestations of terrorism and extremism.

Biografia do Autor

  • Artem Khlebushkin, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
    Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Faculty of Law, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics - Russian Federation.
  • Nadezhda Krainova, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
    Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Faculty of Law, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics - Russian Federation.
  • Natalya Radoshnova, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
    Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Faculty of Law, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics - Russian Federation.





