The communicative relevance in fictional discourse


  • Elena Godoy
  • Rodrigo Bueno Ferreira


Fictional Discourse, Communication, Theory of Mind, Metarepresentation, Relevance


Searle (1975) evidenced two programmatic questions about the logic of fictional discourse: why evolution would have selected fiction as a cross-cultural behavior and what enables an author to use words literally without committing to their literal meanings in fictional communication. Ferreira (in press) argues that part of the problem lies on a Searle‘s conception that by violating the logical rules of assertive sentences, the fictional communication constitutes itself as parasitic ordinary language. Alternatively, this paper discusses the fictional model of communication by relevance theory (Sperber, Wilson 1995), showing that ordinary communication and fictional discourse are second-order representations or metarepresentations.

Biografia do Autor

  • Elena Godoy
    Associate professor in undergraduate and graduate courses in Foreign Languages and Linguistics at Federal University of Paraná, UFPR, Brazil. PhD in Linguistics at the State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil. Leader of the Language and Culture Research Group (UFPR/CNPq).
  • Rodrigo Bueno Ferreira
    PhD student of the Graduate Program in Linguistics at Federal University of Paraná, UFPR, Brazil. Member of Language and Culture Research Group (UFPR/CNPq).



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