



Technology Parks, Environmental scanning, Absorptive capacity.


The objective of this research is to analyze how the dimensions of the absorptive capacity are evidenced, from the processes of environmental scanning, as it is important to understand the mechanisms that are determinant for these evolutions. In order to validate the interview script, a pilot test was provided with the manager of Barcelona's La Salle Technova. After that, interviews with managers of five Tech Parks in Brazil, one in Spain, and one in South Africa were carried out. The results show a positive influence of the surveyed dimensions on the absorptive capacity of the technology parks.

Biografia do Autor

  • Daniela Carolina Eckert, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do RS (PUC-RS.

    Mestre em Gestão e Negócios pela Unisinos e Master Business Administration pela Universidade Poitiers - França.

    Coordenadora da Área Internacional do Tecnopuc - Parque Tecnológico da PUC-RS. 

  • Luis Felipe Maldaner, Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos - UNISINOS
    Diretor Executivo do Tecnosinos – Parque tecnolólgico São Leopoldo e Professor do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Negócios da UNISINOS.
  • Flávia Siqueira Fiorin, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do RS (PUC-RS)

    Mestre em Gestão e Negócios pela Unisinos e Master Business Administration pela Universidade Poitiers da França.

    Gestora da área de novos negócios no Tecnopuc, parque Tecnológico da PUC-RS.


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