The curriculum of Naturology in the light of the concepts of medical rationality and integrative practice




Teaching, Naturology, Medical Rationality, Integrative Practice, Alternative and Complementary and Alternative Medicine


The undergraduate course in Naturology stands out in the Brazilian Higher Education due to the study of un¬conventional human health care practices. This study aimed to analyze the curriculum of Naturology through the concepts of medical rationality and integrative practice. This is a research with a preponderantly qualita¬tive, descriptive, and documentary approach in which we analyzed, by means of content analysis, 51 disciplin¬ary programs in the Naturology course of a university in southern Brazil. We discuss the distribution of the number of hours in the curriculum allocated to dimensions of the medical rationalities of the Chinese, Ayurvedic, and contemporary Western Medicine, in addition to the integrative practices and the socio-techni¬cal and humanistic disciplines. It was found out that 38% of the workload have a biomedical nature, 37% have a vitalist nature, and 25% involve socio-technical and humanistic disciplines. Ultimately, this study suggests the need for curriculum reform and it collaborates to think of references related to such human health care practices.

Author Biographies

  • Fernando Hellmann, UFSC
    Naturólogo formado pela UNISUL, especialista em Fitoterapia pela Unibem. Mestre em Saúde Pública; Bioética pela UFSC. Doutor em Saúde Coletiva pela UFSC. Professor do Departamento de Saúde Pública da universidade Federal de Santa catarina.
  • Leandro Grassi

    Enfermeiro. Naturólogo. Pós-graduado em Terapêutica Tradicional Chinesa (UNISUL) e residência em Atenção ao paciente crítico no grupo hospitalar Conceição

  • Marta Inez Machado Verdi
    Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil





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